Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Ozeri Turtlemeter The Baby Bath Floating Turtle Toy and Bath Tub Thermometer Review

I've been wanting one of these for a while but I kept forgetting to grab one every time I went to the store.  Luckily I was offered this to review.  This is so simple to use, toss it in the water and it turns on and does its' thing.  It's not only  simple to use but it's simple to read and understand.  Blue means the water is on the cooler side, green means it's perfect and red means it's too hot.  Not only will this keep you from freezing or burning your baby but it can double up as a toy.

We tested the water with our laser thermometer and it read exactly as the turtle did.  So, the turtle is totally accurate.

Please keep in mind that the house temperature will greatly affect how your baby reacts to the water.  I live in Utah and it's starting to get a bit chilly.  I drew my 10.5 month son a bath and the water read 87 degrees with a blue background.  It felt warm enough to put him in and he screamed and cried because it burned him since the house temp was cooler (we're at that point where it's not cold enough to turn the heater on so the house is slightly cooler than normal but not freezing).



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